Mistakes that make your weight loss impossible
Weight loss is a process that requires time and patience. We cannot always lose weight quickly and easily. One of the reasons why diets do not work – is mistakes in losing weight. Here you will find the top 7 weight loss mistakes.
Skipping Breakfast
Breakfast is one of the main meals. If you want to lose weight, studies show that eating breakfast makes it easier to stick to your diet and burn off unwanted pounds more efficiently.
Fats contained in most foods. Therefore absolutely abandon the fat task is very difficult. Fats required by the body. You just need to monitor the number of fats. For losing weight it is 20-30 grams per day. At least twice a week need to eat the meat, salads with olive oil, two-three times a week in the diet should be marine fish.
Strict diet
Many of us believe that there is nothing better for weight loss than a strict diet. For example, sit on buckwheat or apple. This is a big mistake many of slimming. In this way, you are likely to lose weight quickly, but not for long. Another important reason to abandon a strict diet – this way you limit yourself to the important vitamins for the body. And this can cause health problems.
Water balance
Another common mistake people who want fast weight loss are an insufficient fluid intake during the day. It is known that metabolic processes occurring in the water environment and therefore, for weight loss need to drink water. Drink about two liters of water a day.
Abrupt junction on fruits and vegetables
In fact, they are not so many useful substances, especially in the spring. Include in the diet no more than 500 grams of vegetables.
Lack of protein in the diet
From a deficit of the protein, the weight-loss process is terminated, or the body loses muscle mass, decreases immunity, appears dry skin, brittle nails, hair fall, etc. After this diet weight quickly returns, but in the form of fat.
Low physical activity
Can I lose weight without sports? Certainly, it is possible, but with sports weight loss will occur faster. In addition, sport helps to disperse the metabolism, strengthen muscles and keep your skin tone.
Weight loss is possible only if not to make the most important mistakes described above, be sure to keep a positive attitude, closely monitor your own feelings, have a clear motivation, and always believe in achieving the desired result.