Orange Diet: Its not only fruit, Its your Life style

The orange diet will help you lose weight quickly and also cleanse the body. This diet is considered one of the most effective and enjoyable. So, if you set a goal to get rid of excess fat and become more elegant, orange diet is what you need.

The benefits of oranges are that they are rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, F and minerals (calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, iron, etc.). Oranges contain pectin substances, as well as a high level of sugars and ascorbic acid. Oranges are useful for the endocrine, digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Orange juice, improves metabolism, stimulates the activity of all organs, has a tonic effect and is indicated for frequent colds, chronic fatigue syndrome, and vitamin deficiency and obesity.

Orange diet: Variant 1

This orange diet can last no longer than six days, and repeat it again should not earlier than after 3-4 months. The menu is necessary to distribute throughout the day. During the whole week, you can drink water without gas, and green tea without sugar. Salt, spices, and sugar are completely eliminated from the diet.

Day 1 and 2: 3 oranges, 100 grams of black bread, 100 grams of hard cheese, 1 boiled egg.

Day 3: 2 oranges, 100 ml of milk with a fat content of 3%, and 100 grams of boiled or grilled chicken meat.

Day 4: 3 oranges, 100 grams of lean fish, 50 grams of baked or boiled potato, 1 tomato.

Day 5 and 6: 3 oranges, 100 grams of black bread, 100 grams of boiled rice, 2 boiled eggs.

Orange diet: Variant 2

The simplest version of the orange diet designed for three weeks, and allows you to lose weight from 8 to 16 pounds.

Week 1: at least 1 kg. of oranges every day, 2 eggs, 2 liters of mineral water or other fluids without calories.

Week 2: the same menu, but chicken eggs are replaced with porridge in any quantity.

Week 3: in addition to 1 kilogram of oranges daily is recommended to eat any other fruits and vegetables in any quantity.

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