Pine Nuts Best For Weight Loss
Pine nuts are not only one of the most delicious and delectable treats, but also one of the most useful products. British scientists have conducted various studies, which showed that the pine nut is able to deal with being overweight. They are very well reducing appetite and thus reduce the need for consumption of excess calories.
These studies were conducted on a small group of women who suffered from severe forms of obesity. Investigations were as follows: before each meals, they eat extract of pine nuts, in the result, a woman ate much less food, saturation occurs much faster, as a result, they lose weight.
The nuclei pine nuts contain more than 60% of high-quality fatty acids and about 17% of easily digestible proteins. Also nuts contain vitamin A, B, C, E and beneficial minerals that normalize metabolic processes.
Pine nuts have no contraindications. They are especially useful for allergic diseases, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is best to eat nuts in natural form, but pine nut oil also has the effect of saturation. And pine nut oil and pine nuts may be used as ingredients for a variety of salads.